21 February 2013

Keep Smiling : D

Yesterday I was at work at Blickenstaff's , I was sort of struggling because I was sick, tired and the store was really slow. An old man and his wife came in and were playing with everything in the store. They were laughing and asking questions and having a really great time. The old man came up to the register to pay, threw down a few jokes, and left but not before saying, "Hey, Keep Smiling!"

Thank you old man for brightening my day and reminding me to be happy about everything! 

So here's some things that have been making me smile as of late! 

1. Finding new songs that I love.
  • Sight of the Sun by Fun.
  • I Love It by Icona Pop
  • Merry Go Round by Kacey Musgraves
  • Cult Logic by Miike Snow
2. Having Kindergartener and 1st graders in my life everyday, how could you not be happy! 

-- "Miss Steele, one time I saw a bear in the wild and it let me pet it!" Sure you did. 
-- "I want to read this book so I can be smarterer!" Yep, let's read
-- "I know you want to sit by a sexy guy like me" Yes, that was a 1st grader who said that
-- "Miss Steele, I've been reading a lot of cooking books and I am going to bake you a treat" Can't wait! 

3. Being sick with other people, isn't it just so much better to be sick when people around you are sick. Such a twisted concept. 

4. Having the best roommates/friends/soul mates ever. The rumors are true, all 4 of us are single but that doesn't keep us down. When not engaging in random, sometimes strange dates with the local Provo-boy-selection, we are laughing non-stop. Never do I have more fun than when I am hanging out with the girls in CT 29, usually in the kitchen. Feel free to stop by for some laughs, you won't regret it. 

5. Free time. One of my favorite things to do is to be busy. A normal day for me is 6:30 nannying, 8:45 work at the elementary school, 11:30 lunch break, 12:30 -3:15 class. Depending on the day I will then go back to nannying, head to Blickenstaff's or some other event I have agreed to be part of. Then there will be moments of free time where it feels like I am on top of the world. I'm not complaining about being busy, I wouldn't have it any other way, I just realize how much more I love free time when I have it. Catching up on shows, a mini-nap or a soda run becomes that much more exciting! (Side note: Recently became a fan of Parks and Recreation, and my alter ego Leslie Knope , thanks DS for making this possible) 

6. Great websites. If you haven't checked them out before, go to buzzfeed.com or thoughtcatalog.com. How can they be so clever! If you are looking for a good laugh or interesting article go here. Or if you are too lazy, here are some of my favorites right now. 

7. Friends. Yes I already talked about my great roommates, but I have some other great friends worth mentioning. Work friends- such a funny thing that we have these separate lives when we go to work. I have my favorite people I work with and it is great because we come in and vent to each other, give each other advice, and then go back to our separate lives. Ward friends- At the beginning of the semester I had very ill feelings towards my ward. I was just coming off of a post-psychotic ward hangover and I was bitter about ever having a good ward again. Fortunately, I got a new calling, visiting/home teachers, an FHE group, and a little bit of humility. I can't believe I was such a brat before, I love my ward and I have made some really great friends from it. We like it so much we are staying next year! New friends- It is such an exciting feeling to have a new friend, that's probably why kids are so excited all the time. Egg drops, mafia, rock band, Saturday breakfasts, Friday friend lunch dates, hot tubing, shopping and so many other good times have been had lately. Lets keep that going. 

8. Luau. Not much to say here except come to our show March 12th and 13th. All our 4-hour, 6 am practices feel so worth it when we, as besties are out there shakin it on the stage in front of a sold out Polynesian audience, even if we are hoolies. 

9. Embarrassing moments. "Oh hey hot crush, you know my friend Jeff Dunn." "How did you know I knew Jeff?" "Um we talked about it when we met" "I don't think we did" 
Alright I stalked you and found all this information about you and am telling it to you in an effort to get you to like me, what?! Why would I make that up! All I could do was laugh and realize that maybe it wasn't going to work out between us. 

10. This. It's a good read, enjoy! 

Getting caught during our interesting brownie challenge
Just a normal morning at luau practice. Shots all around.

1 comment:

  1. this is so cute, mimi. i feel so happy just reading this! love you!
